Ringing in the New Year

It's time to ring in the New Year.

Here is a look back at my 2015.

January - I celebrated my 45th birthday.

February - Jacob made it to regionals in wrestling. Jacob & Caleb turned 18!

March & April - During these months my family went about our daily routines.

May - My family took a short trip to the Smoky Mountains for some R&R before graduation. I left the classroom after 19 years of teaching. Circumstances are not always what you want, but I believe God has put me on a different path for a reason. I am enjoying the stress-free life of working and creating from home.

June - Jacob & Caleb graduated from high school! They spent the summer working.

July - Dan & I took a 17-day vacation out west. We were able to visit over 10 states during that time and see some amazing sites. I was also able to attend the TPT Conference in Las Vegas.

August - My boys started college. They are living with us and commuting. Their first semester was a success! I celebrated my 2 year TPT anniversary.

September - I had my yearly visit to the oncologist. All was well! Finally went camping this year.

October - Our planned camping trips were a no-go due to the weather.

November - My family managed to get away at Thanksgiving for another short trip to the Smokies! We just love spending time there.

December - We had a wonderful time visiting with family for the holidays.

For 2016:

My Word: Seek 
Jeremiah 29:13 - You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

My Motto:
Let your FAITH be bigger than your fear.

Some Goals:
1) Create more math products for my TPT store. I am still creating games, stations, task cards, activity sheets, and more. Products for Google Slides are also being created. You can always email me for requests {mistymiller AT littleroomunderthestairs DOT com}.

2) Blog more. I hope to update my blog once a week, so be sure to stop back by!

3) Newsletter. If you haven't signed up for my newsletter, be sure to do so. You will find the sign up in the sidebar. You will receive a free decimal product for signing up. I will be sending the newsletter out about once a month with ideas, freebies, notices, and more.